Erik's trip to Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Baltimore June and July, 2014
Boston, June 19
June 19 Thursday Boston, Massachusetts
Day 2
We went to the Boston Science Museum
Day 2
We went to the Boston Science Museum

Electricity show

Erik building molecules

Erik emerging from his trip in the simulator

Arthur and Erik in front of the new MIT science building designed by Frank Gehry
Then we had a special tour of the MIT robotics lab, conducted by Computer Science Professor Bonnie Berger

Erik emerging from his trip in the simulator

Prof. Bonnie Berger shows one of the robots to Erik Luehrmann and Arthur Luehrmann

A postdoc shows us the arm of a soft and flexible robot with "muscles" that extend and contract like human muscles

large pontoon boat robot

truck robots

A tired Arthur and Erik wait for slow-poke Martha to catch up