Four old friends get together for a Girls’ Getaway

in Elijay, Georgia, June, 2013

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Robin in mask

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Robin in mask

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Manon in mask

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Ferozan in mask

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Martha in mask

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Ferozan in mask

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Robin at Manon’s house

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George at Manon’s house

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Pooccini Ruben

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Martha in makeshift yashmak

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Looking down from the lookout tower on Brasstown Bald, Blairsville, GA

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Ferozan, Robin, and Manon on Brasstown Bald

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Martha, Ferozan, and Manon on Brasstown Bald

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interesting fungus

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interesting fungus

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Manon, Ferozan, and Robin on Brasstown Bald

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Brasstown Bald with its tower

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Brasstown Bald with its tower

We stopped off at Logan Turnpike Mill for some freshly milled flour and grits
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chickens at Logan Turnpike Mill

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Logan Turnpike Mill

We went to Whistletree Pottery in Ellijay to glaze some pottery

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Whistletree Pottery, Ellijay, GA: Martha, Ferozan, Manon, and Robin show their chosen bisque-fired pots

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Whistletree Pottery, Ellijay, GA: Ferozan shows her bisque-fired pot

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our bisque-fired pots

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Georgia country lane to our cabin

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Kills Ridge, Elijay, GA: stream near the cabin

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Kills Ridge, Elijay, GA: stream near the cabin

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Manon on swing

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Robin on swing

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Ferozan on swing

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Martha on swing

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wrought iron chair and table in the garden

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front deck of our cabin

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snail on a leaf

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old boot with mosses

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dining nook

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part of living room

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part of living room

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one of the bedrooms

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Robin and Manon get their nails painted

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Robin, Ferozan, and Manon show off their nails

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Martha, Ferozan, and Manon show off their nails

We went to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest in Robbinsville, North Carolina

Joyce Kilmer's famous poem, "Trees"

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Manon and Ferozan at one of the big trees

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Ferozan and Robin at one of the big trees

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interesting fungal growth

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old rotting tree trunk

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looking up into one of the tall trees

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flowers by the stream

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splitting and shattering tree trunk

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splitting and shattering tree trunk

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old tree trunk with mushrooms

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old tree trunk with mushrooms

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flowering ground cover

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flower reconstructed from fallen tulip poplar petals

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Back to Whistletree Pottery to collect our fired pots

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Ferozan in mask

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our finished pots

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many bisque pots waiting to be glazed

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Martha, Ferozan, Manon, and Robin with finished pots

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Whistletree Pottery

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Manon and George’s goldfish

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Robin in Groucho mask and Groucho stance

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Robin in mask

We went tubing down the Cartecay River!

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Manon in Groucho mask

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Robin in Groucho mask ogling Ferozan

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Martha in Groucho mask

Unfortunately, no pics of the intrepid old ladies tubing down the river. We would have lost the camera in our many spills.
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our take-out point on the Cartecay River

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Robin as Roman Empress

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Ferozan as Roman Empress

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Manon as Roman Empress

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wonderful fungi

The next day we went to Amicalola Falls and to the beginning of the Appalachian Trail

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Amicalola Falls

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Ferozan and Robin at Amicalola Falls

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Ferozan and Manon at Amicalola Falls

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Manon, Ferozan and Robin at Amicalola Falls

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start of the Appalachian Trail, Springer Mountain, GA

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flowering ground cover

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That night we tried some watercoloring

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Ferozan tries watercolors

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Robin tries watercolors

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Manon tries watercolors

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the original model and Robin’s watercolor in progress

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the original model and Ferozan’s watercolor in progress

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model for Ferozan’s watercolor

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plant with seed pods

The next day we went to the tourist town of Blue Ridge and an art-glass factory there

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Robin at Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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hollow balls
Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

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Art Glass Factory in Blue Ridge, GA

guys were invited for dinner at “61 Main” in Jasper, Georgia, for our last night

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Ferozan, Robin, Martha, and Manon at 61 Main in Jasper, GA

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Martha with tattoo at 61 Main in Jasper, GA

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George, Alan, Manon, Ferozan, and Martha at 61 Main in Jasper, GA

Ferozan and Martha flew together back to Oakland

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flying over Lake Powell while going from Atlanta to Las Vegas

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Ferozan in the Las Vegas airport

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the finished butterfish in use back home